Sunday, March 8, 2015

sziasztok csaladom és barátaim! (hello my family and friends)

2 March 2015

Well it is the season of colds. The beginning of this week we had about 15 programs set up to teach but all but two of them canceled on us so we only ended up teaching two lessons.
The first one was one of our angol óra students, L_.  He is in his twenties and has these huge arms and wears those really tight european v-neck shirts so hes interesting. He is a buddhist  but he enjoys talking about our different beliefs. We met with him half to work on his english and the other half we tried to teach him about the plan of salvation. The lesson basically ended up with him telling us about his past lives. Apparently his last life he was in new york city and was walking in central park and these two guys came and beat him up and stabbed him and left him to die. He told us very animatedly how he could feel it "right here in my stomach, again and again". it was rather interesting. It was cool though because he explained that life is like a computer game and god puts us here and lets us play until we get it right. We asked him why would God just have us play again and again and how would we know that it was finally finished and where we go once the game is done and he sort of dodged the question and started talking about karma. It was cool to hear about how other people view the world but it is so reassuring to me that all of my questions in life, have an answer in the gospel. Everything about the plan of salvation and happiness make sense and there is a purpose for everything we do.
After that lesson with L_ we had Családi est and Ag_ and Má_ came!!   Anyways it was awesome. We watched the restoration movie and it was fun seeing it in hungarian. It was really nice and the spirit filled the room. After we all went around in a circle saying what we loved about the film and the ward members were awesome. When it finally got to Ag_ he said again how he knew that this was the true church but still had a lot of questions. So that started a little discussion with the ward members. I couldn't follow all of it but it was so great to have the ward members be able to answer everything in perfect hungarian so they could understand. When it came to Má_ she said she felt the same as her husband. She is a little more reserved and still a little stubborn about saying she is catholic but I feel like she is going to be the one in the end that helps Ag_ really commit to the gospel. They are just so great and I think once we can finally schedule with them again so we can teach more they will keep progressing but like I said earlier it is the season of sickness here so its been hard to set up with people. 
on wednesday we ate with Aniko again. This week we first had a sort of sweet tomato soup with noodles in it. It was wicked good and then we had a sort of meatball thing surrounded with a bitter cabbage. its called töltö kaposzta which literally translates to stuffed cabbage so yeah, thats what it was. It was meat, rice and seasonings and the sauce had kolbasz or sausage and ham in it. It was pretty good for the first few bites but she alway fills our plates up so much that by the end I felt like I was going to throw up because I couldn't get it down. Luckliy this week she didn't have two huge cakes that we were supposed to eat at the end of the meal, instead she brought us out turo rudis because she knows that we love it!! yay aniko!! But it was good overall. After thought all I wanted to do was sleep so it was kind of rough working after it. 
We went to lunch at a ward members house (aniko) the day before sister sellers birthday and she made us this amazing cherry fruit soup and rokos krumpli and two birthday cakes for the two newly 20 year old missionaries. Such a cute lady!!
On thursday we tracted all day but it was so cool. It was raining so we had our umbrellas out and we working through the muddy streets. I had to write in the tracting book which was a little rough since I was holding an umbrella too. But we tracted into this really nice young mom (ezster) who let us in even though we were all wet and muddy. She had an adorable little boy (andrás) who was just the cutest thing ever. When we started talking with her we found out that she used to be evangelical and married to the priest's son but when they got divorced the congregation shunned her and wouldn't let her come anymore so she hasn't gone to a church in a while. Her current husband isn't religious but she sometimes talks to her daughter about god. She said she wanted to find a religion to raise her children in and she is just so golden. We gave her a book of mormon and she said that she wants to read it all and once she reads it all to join our church if it feels right, We told her that that would be wonderful but that we still would like to meet with her even if she hasn't read all the book of mormon. She is so cool and we are going to look her up in a couple of days again if she hasn't called us in between. 
On saturday we taught an_, év_ and ti_ again. Ti_ was really sick last week so we couldn't meet with them but finally we got to meet with them this week. So here in hungary everyone greets eachother with puszi or kisses on each cheek. An_ and év_ are really big on the kisses so they always kiss us when we meet but this week ti_, who usually stands in the corner and is pretty quiet actually came up to us and said "I want kisses too!" so he kissed us on both cheeks. It was awkward but super sweet to see that he is that comfortable with us and an_ and év_ were so happy. When we were in the lesson we read in third nefi and went around the room each reading a verse and ti_ wanted to read too! Oh it was so sweet to see an_ and év_ look at each other when he was reading. They told us that the doctor said in two weeks ti_ should be well enough that he can stay full time at home. usually he can only get about two days at home away from the hospital but he has been doing better so once he can stay at home they will hopefully be able to come to church. We had to postpone their baptismal date because they have to come to church first but they still really really want to be baptized. It was a little sad. Év_ was telling us that because she has to take care of ti_ so much and work all the time she doesn't really have good friends. The only sort of friends she has are the ladies she work with and none of them believe in God so it is hard for her. But we told her about church and all the wonderful ward members and we are trying to set up with a member to come during our next lesson and she seemed so excited to have friends who are like us. They are just the nicest people ever and I keep praying for tibor to feel better and I know heavenly father is answering my prayers.
Fun fact about hungary. When you have a baby, they have a list of names to pick off of and if you want to name your child something else you have to submit it for approval so that is why everybody here basically has the same names. I swear every old lady's name is Ica or Ilona and all the men are name jozséf or András. anyways fun fact.
other crazy things that happened this week.... 
We got meowed at by a creepy guy on the street.
Every night as we walk home there is always the same drunk guy who walks past us and says "sziasztok" all creepy like
we got recited romantic poetry by this strange man as we were walking up a hill. apparently he has recited it to my companion before and was upset when we said we had to keep walking. 
well, I think that is about it for this week. It should be a good p-day. We are going to play basketball with the elders after lunch so they are stoked for that. I love you all and hope you have a good week and remember how much God loves you and that he really answers prayers. 
sok szeretettel
heath nővér

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